Welcome to www.appealforapeal.org.uk, the web site for the project to re-hang the bells at St Stephen's Church, Rochester Row, London SW1. St Stephen's is a flourishing parish church in the heart of London, close to Westminster Abbey in one direction and Victoria Station in the other. There are offices, shops, hotels and schools in the area as well as residential properties. The church is active and a focal point for many of those who live or work in the area.
A fine ring of eight bells is housed in the tower and they are rung each week for Sunday service by an enthusiastic and active group of ringers from all over London. But the bell installation is in a poor state and most of it dates from 1850, the year in which the church was consecrated and the bells were cast, thanks to the generosity of Baroness Angela Burdett-Coutts.
Appeal for a Peal has been set up to raise £250,000 to restore this historic ring and put in place a programme of training which will ensure these grand bells can be rung for another 150 years.
We hope that by reading the following pages of this site you will find out about the details of this exciting project and feel encouraged to offer your support. Members of the parish are enthusiastic in their support as is the Bishop of London, who was vicar of St Stephen's between 1984 and 1992.